String Theory of
Physics assumes that the multiverse works in 11 dimensions. Normally our brains
are used to the 3 spatial dimensions and the 4th dimension of time.
What happens in the other 7 dimensions? Will our brains ever be able to
perceive those other dimensions? Or do they only work in other universes? Are
these the dimensions where the spirits, angels, and Gods reside, and watch us
from? Maybe in a few hundred years or more likely a few thousand years from
now, our scientists might have some of these answers. For the present though, I
can explain the 11 dimensions in only one rational way I could. The Love
Strings Theory. Love is the strongest of all forms of energy. Some might
disagree and say gravity is the strongest. If it were so, then we would say
“falling in gravity” more often than “falling in love”! On a serious note, the
energy of love indeed has tremendous power, and it is my hypothesis therefore
that love has managed to extend itself, leap from the boundaries of the 4 dimensional
physical world, and creep into the other 7 dimensions already. After all, who
can resist the force of love.
Whether the
String Theory works or not, we know that the 11 “dimensions” of love on this
mortal Earth works quite well. Let me help you now dissect each of these 11
“dimensions” of love (and love that we associate between lovers), with strings
or no strings attached.
1. 1. Soul Mate Love: This is the
dream dimension of love for every couple. As mentioned in one of my earlier
blogs too, there is a strong possibility that souls move in groups from
lifetime to another. There must be unimaginable love between the souls in each
group to be able to tolerate each other for countless lifetimes. For sure not
all of the souls in the group will be “lovers” in the traditional sense in
every lifetime. They might be around, though, as siblings or parents or
friends, waiting for the next lifetime perhaps to come back as true lovers
again. And like a Russian Roulette, there suddenly will come a lifetime where
two souls, longing to be lovers for many lifetimes, get to unite as true
lovers. And when this miracle happens, there is so much palpable love around
the couple. It is almost like their souls are jumping out of their physical
bodies, and dancing with mad abandon around their “physical body packaging” –
the glow, the aura of such couples in love. The souls entangled in inseparable
2. 2. Teeny Crush Love: We have all
been through that phase. Just into our teens, or nowadays a bit earlier than
that, we experience the surge of hormones in our body and brain that makes the
world look in two different parts. One part is the grey and black part where we
resent the controls, rebel against parents, hate the constant nagging of our
teachers; and the other part is the rainbow coloured world where the girl next
door, or in the school bus, or in the row behind in the classroom, looks like a
fairy or at least a younger version of the latest Bollywood heartthrob. It is
often the phase where we create our memories of “first love”. This is indeed
nearest to a “no strings” love. You just feel it deep inside you. You like the
presence of the loved one. You climb to the top of the terrace and wait for
hours to watch a glimpse of her passing by. The tingle in the heart is enough
reward – no other expectations!
3. 3. Rebound Love: This is dangerous
love. You have just come out of a relationship, your heart is broken, you are
seeking for a warm hug and some loving words, and somewhere deep down in the
well of ego, there is a whisper, “Find another one quickly, and show it to…”.
There are definite “strings” attached here – of the past. And these strings
will definitely complicate the future. Comparisons are inevitable. Holding your
new loved one as a “trophy” is often tempting, especially when there is a
breeze from the past. Exploitation of the vulnerable partner is likely. Guilt
and remorse are the emotions that occupy the heart in place of the true joyous
vibrations of love. This form of love does not last long too. And then breaks
another heart. And the vicious cycle of rebound love can continue dangerously.
Having said all this, I also agree that if this love helps you cope with the
break-up, serves as a temporary balm and medicine for your soul, then maybe it
is not that bad. Just make sure the end blow is served graciously to the
gullible partner.
4. 4. Office Love: When we spend more
than 50 hours of our life every week with someone at office, then a bond and
attraction is natural. The energy of love formula has a strong correlation with
the variable of physical proximity. And laws of physics cannot be denied, or
resisted. There might be HR policies, and CCTVs, and the prying eyes of
co-workers, but love can hoodwink them all. A casual walk to the pantry area,
standing next to each other, and some soft whispers, are enough to keep the love
ignited. The slight touch of skin while handing over the documents, the whiff
of her silken hair as you explain the spreadsheet bending slightly over her
shoulders, the quick wink of the eyes in the meeting room when the boss is
making a presentation – how can they all not be powerful ingredients to fuel
the easily satiable energy of love! There is an added thrill of trying to keep
the affair under a wrap, and an added comfort that the partner is a working
person should they take the relationship forward, and last but not the least,
an added motivation to come every Monday morning and face the humdrum work at
office. This is good love, in the busy times we live in, as long as it is not
infidelity! A few delicate “strings” to be handled here but if it is true love,
then all the strings align beautifully to create a beautiful long term
5. 5. Matured Age Love: This is one
dimension of love that has not touched the lives of a general person in India.
There are too many “strings” of the society attached I guess. But if an old
unmarried man or woman, or someone who has been divorced or lost a partner
tragically, want to share love and time together in old age, then why should
the society object? Our society is anyways deteriorating the old age value
system of taking care of the old aged. So why can we not let some of our
elderly couples take care of each other. Physically and emotionally. Or do we
want to banish the elders into a forced life of solitude and penance, and with
emotions reserved only for the grandchildren. Those grandchildren who are
anyways too busy with their own gadgets! What can be more lovely than seeing an
old couple, walking hand in hand in the park, or sharing spiced sweet potatoes
while sitting in a bench in the park. Morning shows in the theatres are meant
for the elderly couples who usually wake up much earlier than the rest of us
lazy ones, and would love to spend a few hours in the movie hall with a
vicarious feeling of their past youth while they see the actors dancing around
the trees. Why deny any of them the opportunity to sit next to a loved one,
married or not, and share a basket of popcorn together. Love transcends all
boundaries, and age is one of the easiest.
6. 6. Lustful Love: The chicken and
egg problem is very similar to the lust and love problem. Which comes first.
Lust or Love. Can you have love without the feeling of lust for your partner?
Probably not. As much as the purists might disagree. But the reverse is
possible, on a sub-conscious level, at least. You might feel you are in love
with someone, but in reality, it might just be a lustful attraction. The body
deceives the heart into thinking it is love in order to fulfil its own needs.
The lustful love energy will usually explore the outer packaging but never
reach the gift inside the package. The gift of the soul. But before we scorn
such a love, let us not forget the “strings” attached to our DNA from the past.
We were meant to procreate, and not necessarily love, while we lived in the
dangerous caves of prehistoric times. That feeling still remains somewhere
within us. We seek what is attractive, and then we want to spread our genes. We
are dictated by the orders written in our DNA. If the mind and soul are not
strong enough to defy the orders from the ruthless DNA master, then lust will
prevail over love.
7. 7. Flirty Love: Flirting is a
widely misunderstood word in my view. It is one of the purest forms of love.
Temporary love with no “strings” attached. Just the pleasure of making the
other person happy, being wanted. I am sure even Gods flirt with each other. It
is the ultimate combination of body, mind, and heart all working together in a
harmless game where no one emerges a winner or loser. Both sides are aware that
there are no manipulations or end goals. The focus is on the present. Living
life and enjoying it at the present moment. What our wise old men and sages,
and modern day gurus all insist upon. It is also a healthy panacea for married
people wanting some fun, some temporary sparks in their lives. The same spark
that helps them go back to their own homes, and reignite the long term love
with their respective partners. Yes, when flirting is misunderstood or is done
with a nefarious intent, then it can be dangerous. But that is true for any
activity – if it is not done properly or understood properly, then it can
obviously be harmful!
8. 8.Platonic Love: In this age of
“Friends with Benefits”, it is hard to comprehend the concept of an emotional
and spiritual relationship with no sexual “strings” attached. This hard to
grasp concept is often known as Platonic Love. Sometimes I feel that when you
know there is no possibility of a sexual rendezvous in the relationship for
various reasons, then the mind by default conditions and comforts the heart
into acceptance of a platonic relationship! However, it is also true, that
there are many people of the opposite sex that you want to spend time with,
just talk to, laugh with, have fun with and still not have a strong sexual urge
for the person. You might look into the eyes of the other person for several
minutes, and maybe peep into each other’s souls also, but with no urgency of
hitting the sack together. Maybe the souls do not need a sexual relationship
(hard to imagine anyways how they would copulate), and some people are just
content in having this “soulful, spiritual” relationship. It is also a good
cover often for many others forms of love covered in this article (like Teeny
Crush Love or Flirty Love or Taboo Love covered later below), and society has a
far greater acceptance of any relationship under the umbrella of “Platonic
Love”. It somehow echoes the love between angels and deities, and people prefer
to not mess with such godly feelings!
9. 9. Married Love: Most of the
couples in our past generations, and many in the present generation also, get
married on the basis of horoscopes, the zeal and vested interests of mutual
family networks and overenthusiastic aunties, and the commercially “charitable”
efforts of online or offline brokers. Love is a derivative of such marriages,
generally much lower down in the order. The day to day needs of making the
marriage work, the family work are enough to throttle the pipe carrying the
fuel of love. But not always. The solemn vows of marriage, the mutual interdependence,
the common ownership of future offspring can lay a strong foundation upon which
the pillars of love can be built. Love potion which has the mutual feelings of
care, respect and protection as the added ingredients. The small everyday
things - a peck on the cheek in the morning when you wake up, sipping the
morning tea or lemon water together, helping each other in yoga, the relay race
of the maid putting the lunch in the tiffin box and handing over to one partner
who then rushes to hand over to the other partner standing near the elevator,
the gentle touch of putting the toilet seats properly and the towels neatly
folded in the racks and not sprawled on the beds, getting the partner’s
favourite ice cream from the market on a rainy day or preparing home-made
favourite pudding of spouse on a chilly winter day – all of these add the
multifarious “strings” of friendship, affection, care which together build the
strong rope of married love.
10.Taboo Love:Love can be
dangerous fun, if it falls in the realms of taboo love. A genuine love crush on
a cousin or a young uncle or auntie, or love with a same sex partner, or love
with a much younger or older person (otherwise fit to be a grandchild or a
grandparent!), or love with a best friend’s or neighbour’s spouse – all of
these would classify under so called taboo love. Taboo sometimes by society,
sometimes by law, sometimes by family, and sometimes by self-conscience. But
the adrenaline rush of doing something that is prohibited together with the
emotions of love can provide a very slippery lubricant on the stretched
“strings” of dangerous attraction. When God created love, she did not make
rules of who can love or not love each other. If love happens, it was meant to
happen. If it is natural it can happen, and if it is not natural, then nature
will not allow it to happen. Society, families, and law should not interfere with nature’s call. There are far many other taboos and ills
of society that one can focus upon than to cast an evil disapproving eye on
love between two human beings. Yes, sometimes it can hurt and even destroy
other people and families affected, and that is despicable. However, nature has
its own rules, and if the positive force of love is stronger than the negative
force of impact on affected others, then nature will conspire to find its own
11. One Sided Love: Love need not
always be reciprocated. True love is, after all, with no “strings” attached.
There is no condition that the other person has to reciprocate the love. However,
there should be some attempt to convey the feeling of love to the other, once or
maybe more than once. Not doing even once is not fair to love itself, and will
also result in a repressed feeling for rest of the life, which is not fair to
the other “loves” in future life. At same time, conveying one-sided love too
many times, is bordering on stalking and harassment. But after sharing of one’s
feelings, one has every right to love the non-physical part of the person he or
she is in love with – with an image in the heart, with an imagination in the
mind. The energy of love is supposed to make us happy, and if the harbouring of
such one-sided love makes us happy, then the laws of love are well met. Body
and mind have their own unique ways of carrying emotional vibrations across
long distances in the forms of “waves or strings”, and the recipient of such
waves always benefits from the additional energy received. And that is indeed
true love, isn’t it, with no “strings” attached, and wishing better for the
loved one even it means sacrificing one’s own interests?
So go ahead, and
enjoy all the dimensions of love, in this lifetime and the many future
Excellent and mind blowing..!
Super Duper. 11 Dimensions and 11 types of love and all beautifully explained.
Super Duper. 11 Dimensions and 11 types of love and all beautifully explained.
I like it...wouldn't it be interesting Dhiraj if there is a book with characters where all these dimensions are portrayed.
I like it...wouldn't it be interesting Dhiraj if there is a book with characters where all these dimensions are portrayed.
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